Accent modification
Don't think of this as replacing your natural accent; think of it as an additional skill to have in your communication toolbox.
Accents (regional, foreign, or nonnative) are not a communication disorder. They are a natural part of spoken language, and every person has an accent. Accents and dialects are intimately tied to identity and community. Language plays an important role in socialization and sharing cultural information, and different language variations are invaluable in strengthening and communicating different cultural identities.
Let us be clear - accents have beautiful qualities ! They showcase the fact that you speak multiple languages, or that you hail from a particular region of the country. We would never encourage suppression of one’s identity or cultural roots.
However, if you feel your accent is limiting the ability for others to understand you — both in your professional and personal life — accent reduction may be a solution.
Some people feel that their accent makes it difficult to communicate effectively in social, academic, or work settings. Others may ask them to repeat themselves often and might have trouble understanding a person’s speech due to their accent.
Articulation exercises can help improve your speech clarity and comfort to ensure your message is well understood without you having to repeat yourself. Accent reduction can have powerful effects for professionals, including improving your confidence when presenting, helping you network with peers more easily, and positioning you to communicate clearly.
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