Scientific community

As a vocal coach in corporate companies, I met researchers, engineers and scientists who were perfectly trained. All of them were experts in their domain.

However, these experts experienced very often difficulties when they had to present their researches in public, to adress a team and bring it to maximum performance levels. They simply can’t live up to their expertise since they can’t demonstrate their abilities as they were never trained to be eloquent, show off, etc.

My voice approached is quite documented and scientifically sound. And it can helps these experts to enhance their profile, feel an audience, acquire their missing charisma and eloquence, to simply live up to their skills and expertise.

Tous droits réservés –  2018 – Emilien Hamel

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  • Portrait Emilien Hamel

    Emilien Hamel

    Formateur en prise de parole et coach vocal, Expert Voix, Grenoble et visio



+33 (0)6 76 74 76 54