Leadership for women

According to a Casey Klofstad study, who is a researcher at Miami University, deeper pitched voices provoke more convinced responses compared to their sharper counterpart. Since the 1930s, the elected candidate for the presidential election in the United States has always had a lower voice

It’s been demonstrated as well in a Fuqua School of Business Study, that CEOs with lower, deeper voices direct bigger companies with significantly higher wages.

These studies mainly concern male leaders. What about women?

My knowledge can lead you to develop this leadership for women, enhancing your vocal identity and increase your awareness about your expressive range during public speaking as well as in commercial negotiations.

Tous droits réservés – 2018 – Emilien Hamel

Voice Awareness Workshop for Becton Dickinson employees in Grenoble

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  • Portrait Emilien Hamel

    Emilien Hamel

    Formateur en prise de parole et coach vocal, Expert Voix, Grenoble et visio



+33 (0)6 76 74 76 54