Media Training

Media training is the art of delivering a simple, short, meaningful and moving message in front of journalists in often intimidating, somewhat hostile, circumstances. In these kind of situations, posture, breathing, rhythm, inflections and speed of the voice as well as its pitch can be crucial for your status in front of your target in…

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Voice accountability and feedback

When the CEO of a company adresses its board, he or she is responsible for what they projects to their audience. He or she is responsible for their moral, physical and emotional comfort. They are therefore greatly responsible for decision making, the following retroaction whatever direction it follows Mastering one’s vocal physiology and mechanics as…

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Linguistic Bias

During my career, I had the opportunity to coach international clients. And these experiences taught me two fundamental things. First, voice changes according to the language we speak, especially when speaking a foreign language.  A higher pitch voice comes across as a sign of stress, wherever you are geographically. This issue cr be solve with a specific…

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